I am in high school, but I recently fid myself having this innate desire to learn and practice magic. I don’t really have any bad intentions, just want to do things that no one else can do. Am I crazy?
Not at all. What happen to learning new thing? Might look odd at the beginning but you will definitely love it when you puts full interest
No, you’re not crazy. We all have different strengths and talents, it is just that learning magic is not the way many people are ready to tread for the complexity of the metaphysical. Just be sure the interest you are developing is not just a result of some random movie that got emotions toyed with. Having sorted that, you can go on and learn it, an example of a guy doing well by performing harmless magic is BABS CARDINI. you can look him up on social media platforms too, he was at the recent afcon, mesmerizing Africans with his magic