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    • Profile picture of Bejide


      • 10 months, 4 weeks ago
      In the dance of life, one must find their rhythm, A melody of actions, a constant repetition. The heartbeat of progress, the key to persistence, Is found in the art of unwavering consistency. Consistency, the steadfast guide, Through stormy seas and tranquil tide. It's not a sprint but a marathon, The strength to keep on keeping on. In every endeavor, it's the glue, That binds ambition to what you do. No matter how grand or small the feat, Consistency makes success complete. Like the sun that rises every day, Consistency lights the darkest way. It's the gentle drops that make a sea, The incremental steps that set us free. But oh, how easy it is to be led astray, By distractions that come our way. To lose the path, to miss the mark, When consistency succumbs to the dark. Yet fear not the stumble, nor the fall, For consistency will heed the call. To rise again, to stand up tall, And continue the journey, giving it your all. It's not about perfection, but the dedication, To push through challenges without hesitation. To show up when the going gets tough, When the road is rough, and the waters rough. For dreams are built one brick at a time, With consistency, the vision will climb. The universe aligns with your intention, When consistency becomes your convention. So, let us raise a toast to this mighty force, The backbone of achievement, the steady course. May we embrace it in our heart and soul, And let consistency make us whole.

      Bejide's word on consistency

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