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      • 7 months, 2 weeks ago

      I have come to that point where these words; GOOD and BAD does not exist.

      You might find it hard to believe, but you can only get the answer in solitude🙂.

      Have you ever wondered why, what you call GOOD is BAD to another and vice-versa.Its just a perception of things.Good and Bad is just like a ‘die 🎲’; when thrown, some see ‘6/4’ and another sees ‘double six’ when thrown.All is but a perception of reality, depending on how we handle them.

      GOOD and BAD can also be likened to a coin, HEAD and TAIL.When also thrown upwards, it’s either you see the head or you get the tail.This is a hard but simple analysis.When we experience a sad reality, we call it bad, why? Because we couldn’t get an expected result.

      And when we get a desired result, we call it GOOD! in fact we add a superlative “very good!’.Its just our perception of life.This why your parents will see your result and leave a comment ‘not good enough! try harder!”.Then another parent can say, ‘very Good! Keep it up! .They are just game of perception.

      In every situation I find myself, either it’s palatable or not, I still train my perception not to define if it’s good or not.All I see just a game of life playing out.The universal cards being thrown up! So, whatever result I have gotten, it’s just a function of my skills, it’s just a function of my skills, my alignment with that current timing.

      When people asks me if it was good, I struggle to tell them if it’s good or bad.Most times I just respond with ‘cool, soft..’.Just to get them off me.Why? Because, whatever result I get at the end doesn’t really freak me.I accept them as they come and flow with the universal laws of existence,for I know they are part of my journey.

      Yeah, there are times I get sad over results.Yet, I sit back to listen to my inner self and follow the next game😀.When Paul said ‘all things works together for the good of those who love God’.He was not referring to GOOD per say, but making us realize that, whatever we experience is a part of what will position our minds in understanding the game of life.

      Take a look at *’all things’*.. That is; *EVERY EXPERIENCES* are a part of the game, which works together for our *good* or that which is written concerning us.

      So, I am not saying God is behind those situations that seems sour, but I am trying to tell you that,you need to experience if you really wants to flow with the laws that holds THE EXISTENCE OF ALL THINGS*

      I don’t plan talking beyond this, enjoy your morning🤟✨

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    Immersed in the intoxicating aroma of ink, I find solace in crafting epic narratives and profound lines.

    As a crypto enthusiast, I embark on the exhilarating hunt for airdrops and navigate the intricate world of crypto trade, fueling my financial journey. Beyond the digital realm, my heart beats for the passion of football, proudly cheering for Manchester United, where the love for the beautiful game intertwines with my diverse pursuits.

    Also an iconic lover of adventures,epic and classy movies


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