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      • 7 months, 1 week ago

      Many people are jealous and envious of lifestyles on social media that don’t actually exist in real life. Perception is now the new reality and people don’t even know who they are or what their truth is anymore. Social media is not necessarily a depiction of the reality of a persons real life. It doesn’t take their journey and process, backstory, trials and failures into account when showcasing their achievements and appearance. It will usually let people feel inadequate and make people feel that they are not doing enough with their lives or are not doing well. Instagram is literally a highlights reel and isn’t telling the full story. Face your focus and enjoy your journey and life without feeling intimidated about what another person chooses to show.

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    Immersed in the intoxicating aroma of ink, I find solace in crafting epic narratives and profound lines.

    As a crypto enthusiast, I embark on the exhilarating hunt for airdrops and navigate the intricate world of crypto trade, fueling my financial journey. Beyond the digital realm, my heart beats for the passion of football, proudly cheering for Manchester United, where the love for the beautiful game intertwines with my diverse pursuits.

    Also an iconic lover of adventures,epic and classy movies


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