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      Ozoemena posted

      • 3 months ago

      Hello all, with the permission of the admin, please permit me to introduce our new PRIVATE group to you.'s called ACCOUNTABILITY group.We all need that touch of inspiration, that single drop of water that can build up to a mighty oceanIf you look into yourself, and you’re a creative and hard working person, but distractions are not letting you grow ..Or you need a group to motivate you to do something new and be consistent;Then we are inviting you to join ourACCOUNTABILITY GROUP.It’s a private group on the website,There people will post daily/weekly/monthly:-their new achievements,-Or steps achieved toward a new goal.I don’t think you’ll be in that group and not feel left behind if you’re not doing something new.When you see others post their achievements everyday;*New courses enrolled/completed,*New jobs/interviews*New chapters of courses completed,*New life goals achieved,Etc.Something in you will wake upYour achievements will always be available on your profile, and in the private group.So you can always look back to see all that you’ve accomplished and what is ahead of youBy joining, you make a new contract, with your career, and your destiny.That you must always be on the move, no lagging behind.You sign a contract to divorce laziness and distractions.And we expect you to share updates of what you have done, each new day or week, that can help your futureIt can be anything as little as:-completing an assignment for a course,-Or doing a project,-Or reading a new topic.-Or starting a new job,-Or having an interview,-Or launching a new product.There just has to be something newThat is the creedSo if all we’ve said got to you, sign up and be on the next train to accountability,Take control of your time and life,Knowing that you have your updates to giveNote: If you sign up and we don’t get new things happening from you, you may be removed.You just have to decide to take a new decisionAnd be ready to keep the ball rollingWe will look out for each other, and encourage each other,And celebrate all the little wins, and every little progress you make,And all the big ones

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    About Me

    Isaac Ozoemena

    Web Developer | Support Specialist | Writer

    Web developer and IT enthusiast, with a fanatical love for nature and bio-conservation. I have over 6 years web design experience, a published work on Scorpion diversity, and a number of short stories on Amazon. I like cool music, meeting people, seeing movies, wildlife Safari, and reading.



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