Tree I climbed on was breaking apart

  • Creator
  • #71366


    So I had this dream that I have been worried about.
    I was on a tree (can’t remember the exact one), normally it’s a hardwood tree that does not break easily.
    I was climbing to the top.

    Then suddenly a strong wind came, and the branches began to bend at uncomfortable angles.

    It was all I could do not to let go.
    The storm did not stop, but I heard cracking sounds as if the tree was going to fall apart, then I woke up.

    I have been worried sick ever since, I believe in dreams and I know that ones like this are to be taken seriously.

    Please what could this mean?

  • Author
  • #71367

    Rank: Newbie

    Hello Lily,

    Dreams about storms are to be taken seriously, as these clearly point to challenging times.

    The tree you are on, represents your current situation, your job, your family, or any other avenue from which you draw support.

    There may be challenges. Arguments may arise due to a situation you have no control over.

    In these times try to hold onto your true self, hold onto as much support as you can get from your family and those that care.

    Eventually the storm will pass.

    The good thing is, the tree did not break.
    If it did, you would have remembered upon waking, and that would not have been a good thing.

    Cheer up, everyone gets challenges. That’s how we all grow.

    Wishing you all the best!


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