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Keep Pushing
Keep Pushing
On this day 5 years ago, I was hosted to a bottle of Cristal champagne by a very unlikely high-profile man.
By the way, the price of Cristal champagne was over 90k for a single bottle back then. Right now it’s over N300k in some places.
As I sat waiting for my host who was on the phone, my mind relayed to my first encounter with the man.
Sometime in 2017 when I had just started Wine House Nigeria, I made a list of all the hotels in Surulere and visited them one after the other with my proposal and a few bottles of wine for sampling.
I remember walking into the office of my host and he said to me…
“young man, I admire your enthusiasm and courage, but you see, we don’t just buy from any wine seller. With the kind of standard we wish to maintain, I’m sorry, we cannot do business with you.”
I got home that day, wrote those words out on paper and placed it on my vision board.
I have no idea why I did that. I don’t even know what motivated me to do it, but I did it anyway.
Whenever I looked at that very statement, three things came to my mind…
1. You’re late in this business, no one would listen to you. You’re not sophisticated enough. You need to go get a job.
2. You’re a dead broke guy, how can you cope if nobody is purchasing from you? You need a paying job to sustain your stay in Lagos or you go back to Asaba.
3. Let these words motivate you to keep grinding and keep preaching your brand. You have what it takes. It’s only a matter of time. You’re a top guy. You can do this.
Those were the 3 thoughts that kept ringing in my head whenever I saw that statement on my vision board.
So when I received a call from my host to come have a meeting with him for a dealership/supply agreement….
The same man who said they wanted to maintain a certain standard and therefore, cannot do business with me.
I looked at my vision board and immediately, a big smile covered my face.
On this day 5 years ago, I was hosted to a bottle of one of the finest luxury champagne in the world, by the same person who rejected me one year earlier.
That experience made me realize that…
A lot can happen in just one year, if you grow a thick skin and keep pushing.
What people think about you does not hold much weight as what you think about yourself and how you carry yourself.
What you think about yourself and how you present yourself will influence how people will treat you on the long run.
You’ll face many rejections and that’s absolutely fine. Rejection is a part of the equation. Expect more of it.
Embrace rejection.
Let the experience from the rejection serve as a fuel that keep your desires burning and keeps you going.
Doors will be slammed at you. Gates will be closed at you. It’s likely that you’ll be sent out of many rooms…
Hold your peace and cry if you want. Shedding tears is not a sign of weakness. You’re human, not a robot.
Cry if you want to but don’t make it a habit.
Ensure you don’t remain the same person after each experience.
Do not remain at the same spot in life where people left you. Do not be stagnant. Do not complain all the time and end up doing nothing about your situation.
Develop yourself, build capacity, connect with great minds, have a power circle, be flexible, be humble and aggressive, be wicked sometimes, be prudent with spending, don’t stop learning, implementing and growing.
The stone the builders rejected, will someday become a cornerstone.
If you give up, they win.
If you continue to believe in yourself, put in work, pray for grace and kwechili… YOU WILL WIN.
CC: Courage Ngele
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