Posted by Nebuzz on July 19, 2023 at 8:17 am

    You can never enjoy a financial ambience without a paying audience!

    I just want you to know that at the base of lead generation are PEOPLE and PLATFORMS.

    Money is in the hands of people and people are gathered on platforms.

    When we talk about people, we are talking about influencers, mentors and the rest.

    When we are talking about platforms, we are talking about Facebook, Instagram and the rest.

    So everything I am going to talk about is revolving around these two things.

    So on platforms, you will see the strategies will be on the features of these platforms.

    Then on people, the strategies will be on affiliates, mentees, mentors, influencers and the rest.

    So if there is a summary for traffic generation, it’s that traffic generation has to do with people and platforms.

    Where two or three people are gathered there is money in their midst.

    Now where thousands and billions of people are gathered, there is money on that platform.

    You need PEOPLE.

    Sir, if you need 1,000 people to pay, you must seek to reach 1,000 x 100 people… That’s 100,000.

    – WhatsApp Grown Groups:

    The first idea is growing groups. This is where you grow a free group or an interest group.

    People need to be gathered because people need to hear a message at least 7 times. That is why groups are very important.

    People need to hear messages again and again and again.

    – WhatsApp Status:

    Now you have friends already. You have people who are on your contact list already.

    You can post your group links, or your WhatsApp training or product on your WhatsApp status.

    But GIVE VALUE first.

    You can have over 3,000 people actively viewing your status and you can grow this number by adding value.

    – Previous WhatsApp Groups

    – WhatsApp TVs And Influencers

    One other place you can get lots of people to buy your products or fill your groups with participants is through WhatsApp tvs.

    And some guys have 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 views on their WhatsApp status.

    The good thing about WhatsApp status is that it’s direct. And WhatsApp is homely.

    – WhatsApp Group Affiliates

    Now, You can use an autoresponder. It’s called Autoresponder WA. Or Autoresponder for WhatsApp.

    These are just very few platforms that can be used

    ADEX replied 1 year, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

    July 19, 2023 at 8:20 am
    Rank: Newbie

    Adding value will be the priority cos even with the audience,If you are not adding value,it’s just baseless

  • ADEX

    July 19, 2023 at 8:21 am
    Rank: Newbie

    Thanks for sharing

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