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    Asked a question
    Why do we breathe slowly when asleep as humans?

    When asleep, the human body decreases in breathing rate - why so? Why do we breathe slowly when asleep as humans?

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    Can dogs experience trauma just as humans?

    Do dogs experience trauma too like humans - trauma like losing its owner and other forms of trauma? Is it possible for dogs to do so?

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    What is the most expensive city in the world?

    In terms of cost of living, GDP & per capita income. What city in the world encompasses this and more in economic terms?

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    When to use an ampersand?

    An ampersand is often compared to "and", however their uses differ. How distinct is their uses is the question - in this case, the symbol ampersand?

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    How does Global Citizenship education really help on understanding the world?

    Global Citizenship Education poses to serve one who intends to become global with his or her ideas. However, how can this be?

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    How do trademark a project?

    For an official project or initiative done, how can one trademark it to protect it from duplication or plagiarism. This is what this question means.

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    How do you build a personal brand?

    How do you build a personal brand? What does it mean to build a personal brand for career success? Is a personal brand also dependent on one's personality? What does it takes to build a personal brand?...

    June 23, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    Why are systems so important in building success?

    The importance of building systems for a successful career. What are systems and are they a necessary prerequisite to building and maintaining a successful career?

    June 16, 2024 2
    Asked a question
    Why does the wind blows in a circular motion?

    The wind though unseen, is noticed that it blows in a circular movement, similar to a whirlwind - why is that? Please explain if you can, thank you.

    June 15, 2024 2
    June 12, 2024 10
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