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    If you could undo something from your teenage years, what would it be? why would you want this particular thing to be undone?

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    What is the best approach to learn python? I am very interested in switching to a tech career and the python programming language has caught my attention. How do I...

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    The boredom of being at home is getting on my nerves, How can i use my spare time to make money? I would really appreciate suggestions.

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    I used to know only of women having mood swings. Recently I have had encounters that suggest men can have mood swings too. What could be the cause of this?

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    What is the best way to deal with a situation where tow partners have different and conflicting food preferences?

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    I have been wondering, when is the best time to eat fruits; empty stomach? before a meal or after a meal?

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    0 Votes Solved405 views Changed status to publish Healthbest time to eat fruits fruits
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    I am thinking of starting my own blog, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions how to get started fine?

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    0 Votes 400 views Answered question web developmentstart a blog
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