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      • 6 months, 2 weeks ago

      YEAR 2023
      The dawn of 2023 started on a good note and vibe for me having gone to church to celebrate and worship the Lord for the grace to see a new beginning of another prosperous year. It was twelve month journey were I laid out different plans and skills to achieved and unraveled. As the calendar pages unfolds,it came the decision to resume back to school after a long break to take a step forward in my academic pursuit. All these together added a unique dimension to the wraps of possibilities that awaited me in the coming months.
      Throughout the course of 2023, my journey of personal development unfolded through various avenues, each contributing uniquely to my growth:
      Personal Development
      1. *Cultivating Positive Habits:*
      – At the inception of the year, I delved into the pages of “Atomic Habits.” This transformative book became a guiding light in reshaping my habits. One notable change was my morning routine; inspired by the book, I adopted new practices, particularly altering the way I interacted with my phone upon waking. This small but significant shift demonstrated the power of intentional habit formation.

      2. *Financial Wisdom from “The Richest Man in Babylon”:*
      – In the third quarter, I embarked on a literary journey with “The Richest Man in Babylon.” This insightful book instilled valuable lessons on financial prudence, emphasizing the virtues of saving and avoiding extravagant spending. While the concept of investment is a work in progress for me, the book laid a solid foundation for responsible financial management.

      3. *Navigating the Digital Landscape:*
      – A significant aspect of personal development involved adapting to the digital era. As I aspired to explore remote job opportunities, I enrolled in lessons on effective social media management. Despite facing a setback during the application process due to unforeseen circumstances, the experience underscored the importance of adaptability and resilience in the evolving job landscape.

      4. *Venturing into Writing and Crypto Community:*
      – Early in the year, I became a part of a vibrant writing forum on a cryptocurrency website. Engaging with this community allowed me to share my written pieces, receive constructive feedback, and even earn recognition. However, the demands of resuming back to school posed challenges, making it progressively difficult to actively contribute to the community.

      In the realm of personal development, these experiences not only broadened my knowledge but also prompted introspection and tangible changes in my daily life. Each endeavor served as a building block, contributing to the evolving narrative of self-improvement that characterized my journey in 2023.
      *Academic Journey and Achievements:*

      Embarking on my academic journey in 2023 brought forth a series of challenges, triumphs, and noteworthy achievements that underscored my commitment to learning and growth:

      1. *Navigating the Challenges of Second Year:*
      – The commencement of the year marked my return to school for the second year. While faced with academic challenges, including courses that posed formidable obstacles, I persevered. Despite the setbacks, I managed to maintain a commendable GPA, a testament to resilience amid academic trials.

      2. *Thriving in Third Year Exploration:*
      – August heralded the commencement of my third year, and it proved to be a dynamic and fulfilling period. Despite the inherent stress, the joy of delving into the core studies of my course became a source of motivation. The challenges of the previous year transformed into opportunities for exploration and learning.

      3. *Venturing into Research:*
      – In December, a recent yet significant addition to my academic journey unfolded as I joined a research hub. Though learning is yet to commence, the decision to take this bold step reflects my commitment to delving deeper into my field of study, embracing the realm of research, and expanding my academic horizons.

      4. *Persistent Pursuit of Scholarships:*
      – Throughout the year, I actively applied for various scholarship programs, aspiring to augment my academic journey with additional opportunities. While success in this endeavor eluded me in 2023, the persistence and lessons learned have fueled a determination to continue pushing and applying for scholarships in the coming year.

      *Noteworthy Experiences of 2023:*

      1. *Impromptu Journey to Abeokuta:*
      – Mid-year presented an unexpected adventure as I traveled to Abeokuta to deliver lighting equipment. Despite the spontaneity of the trip, it marked my first visit to the city. Embarking on the journey on an early Saturday morning, I reached Abeokuta around 1 pm, navigating the unfamiliar terrain. The irony of having an upcoming test on Monday, with my reading materials in tow but unread, added a humorous twist to the experience. The exhaustion upon returning home that same night was outweighed by the joy of the unexpected adventure.

      2. *Forging New Friendships:*
      – A significant highlight of the year was the formation of new connections. Welcoming new friends into my life has added a layer of richness and camaraderie, enriching my social landscape and contributing to a sense of belonging.

      3. *Navigating Relationships:*
      – The year introduced me to the complexities of relationships, as I embarked on a connection that, while short-lived, offered valuable insights. Recognizing the need for solidity and readiness, I approach the coming year with the intention of fostering more meaningful and enduring connections.

      4. *Python Programming Journey:*
      – A commitment to continuous learning manifested in my venture into Python programming on Coursera. Embarking on this journey was a goal conceived at the start of the year, and the consistent strides taken in mastering Python bring a sense of accomplishment and excitement for future coding endeavors.

      The diverse landscapes of travel, social connections, relationships, and learning experiences have added depth and color to the canvas of my year. Each episode, whether planned or serendipitous, has contributed to the mosaic of personal growth and the vibrant mosaic that defines the unique journey of 2023.

      *Navigating Challenges in 2023:*

      1. *Financial Struggles in Academic Pursuits:*
      – The financial landscape proved to be a challenging terrain, particularly in the pursuit of education. Making payments for tuition fees became a formidable task in the current economic situation. The necessity to seek assistance from various quarters highlighted the financial strains faced, underlining the prevailing difficulties in ensuring a smooth academic journey.

      2. *Continuous Learning Amidst Personal Development:*
      – The path of personal development, while transformative, was not without its stumbling blocks. The realization that personal development is an ongoing process came with the acknowledgment of mistakes made throughout the year. One particular event, which evolved into an unintended addiction, presented substantial challenges. The journey of overcoming this activity demanded resilience, introspection, and the assimilation of crucial life lessons.

      3. *Side Hustles and the Struggles of Venturing into the Unknown:*
      – Engaging in side hustles, such as occasional involvement in decorations for extra income, exposed the challenges of stepping into the unknown. The world of decorations, unfamiliar and demanding, brought with it a learning curve filled with stress. Venturing into uncharted territories underscored the courage required to explore new avenues, even when the journey is neither sweet nor smooth.

      In the face of these challenges, the narrative of 2023 becomes one of adaptability, determination, and the capacity to turn obstacles into stepping stones. Each hurdle, whether financial, personal, or professional, became a pivotal point for growth and reflection, adding layers of resilience to the evolving story of the year.

      *Reflecting on 2023 and Anticipating 2024:*

      As I bring the curtain down on the chapters of 2023, I find myself assigning a score of 5/10 to this year’s narrative. It was a tale of halves, with moments of greatness interwoven with challenges that tested my resolve. Yet, within this dichotomy lies the silver lining of acquired experiences and newfound knowledge.

      The hurdles encountered, be they financial struggles in academics, personal development setbacks, or the trials of venturing into the unknown, have become stepping stones. The mistakes made, lessons learned, and the resilience cultivated have etched themselves into the foundation of my growth.

      Anticipating the dawn of 2024, I stand armed with the wisdom gained from both triumphs and tribulations. The canvas of the new year is already adorned with outlined goals and envisioned pursuits. With the conviction that the mistakes of the past will not repeat themselves, I look forward to a positive and transformative 2024.

      In the tapestry of life, each year its unique threads, and as I weave the narrative of 2023 into the fabric of my journey, I carry forward not only the lessons but the unwavering optimism that the coming year will be a canvas of boundless possibilities and fulfillment.

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    About Me


    Immersed in the intoxicating aroma of ink, I find solace in crafting epic narratives and profound lines.

    As a crypto enthusiast, I embark on the exhilarating hunt for airdrops and navigate the intricate world of crypto trade, fueling my financial journey. Beyond the digital realm, my heart beats for the passion of football, proudly cheering for Manchester United, where the love for the beautiful game intertwines with my diverse pursuits.

    Also an iconic lover of adventures,epic and classy movies


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