How do you build a personal brand?

Thanks @E.Dairo. for this question. Today the world depends mostly on entrepreneurs, seeds that blossom into giants in industries. These don’t just come and exist. They begin from somewhere, and one of the first steps is branding. In today’s competitive

What will you if your partner gets angry and hurts themselves?

@brazilformula, this is really deep. We are in the age of huge depression. In a romantic relationship, encountering challenging situations is inevitable. One such scenario is when a partner gets angry and resorts to hurting themselves. As a supportive and

Can dogs experience trauma just as humans?

Trauma is a complex psychological response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. While humans are known to experience trauma in various forms, ranging from loss and abuse to accidents and natural disasters, some

Why are systems so important in building success?

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, having a successful career is more important than ever. But what is the secret to achieving success in your professional life? One key aspect that is often overlooked is the importance of building systems.

What do I need to do to start taking ny own advices

Hello @itunuu. You’re not alone. Many people struggle with this issue, and there are a few reasons why it might be happening. The Fear of Failure One common reason why we don’t always follow our own advice is the fear

Why do the people closest to you tend to betray you?

As humans, we often rely on the people closest to us for support, love, and understanding. These relationships are supposed to be built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect. However, it can be incredibly disheartening when those closest to us

Has any movie ever made you cry?

I can relate to this. It is not one, not two, I cannot even count. In those days when movies were deep and emotions real, people like us cried almost with every interesting and touching story. The bliss of those