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      • 7 months, 1 week ago


      Life is a journey filled with hardship, headaches, joy, celebrations, and special moments, it is the positioning of your philosophy about each phase of your life that determines the outcome of the next phase.

      The mindset can be seen as the engine room that propels an individual to his/her desire for success or devastated failure.
      because if you can think of it, then you can make it happen.

      A positive mindset capitalizes on situations, and challenges and then turns them into advantages for achievable success.

      While a negative mindset complains about everything and sees opportunities as scams and traps of success that later turn into liabilities.

      The mindset can be a FLEXIBLE asset that accepts growth and changes or a STAGNATED one that will do the same thing and expect a different result.

      Our daily routine is a function of our mindset, a FIXED or STAGNATED mindset leaves within his/her comfort zone and waits for manner to fall, while a POSITIVE or GROWING mindset seeks and creates opportunities outside the comfort zone and uses those opportunities judiciously for a purposeful and meaningful living.

      Sharp minds think of what WOULD BE not WHAT IS.

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