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      • 7 months, 1 week ago

      In bed last night, I thought about all the troubles that most youths face.

      The struggles and sweats.
      The unfair disadvantages of those from the lowest echelons of the society.

      I recalled my own most difficult days. When all I had was just a dream. I remembered the scornful laughter and the mocking whispers of naysayers.

      People whose fun was to sit comfortably in their own shame and overlook my scars and sleepless nights.

      Just because there was no evidence yet.

      My friend. They will laugh at you, in your presence and absence.

      They will mock you, for everything you have failed to achieve.

      They will call you lazy because your efforts have produced no significant results.

      But when everyone gives up on you, don’t give up on yourself.

      Even if your family makes jest of you as the child they shouldn’t have had, don’t give up on yourself.

      You are not a failure until you start seeing yourself as one.

      You are not a failure until you accept that you cannot succeed.

      You are not a failure until you stop thinking and finding ways to be better.

      Let every pain, heartbreak, rejection, hardship, and loss, be a reason to keep fighting and not a reason to crawl into depression.


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