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      Nebuzz posted

      • 6 months, 2 weeks ago

      #my2023*What have people done that impacted my life this year*:
      (1)As good as I’m in Accounting course, Two of my friends gave me a little Job to tutor some carryover students and the pay was great. It really melted my heart
      (2) When I was very sick and my heart was beating so fast early this year,I was at my village that time,I was at the point of death and I could the voices of my grandmother crying and pleading that nothing happens to me,my cousins were lying there with me hoping that I breathe well my Aunt was there with full hopes. I didn’t know when i slept but when I woke up,look at how they all rushed at me to gave me a hug,that event really touched my life
      (3) I was having a bad time one day in school and I just decided to call my mum, unfortunately she was not happy that day as well because of her lack of money that day,I decided to send my last cash and come see blessings,prayers she was raining on me that day. She nau said “I don’t know the time it will take but someday you will be rich to take care of all of us,look at the way I screamed Amen and I regained my full self back

      *What Challenges have you been able to overcome*

      (1) I usually have little or no sleep at midnight but all through Last month and this month,I was sleeping at night and I was very happy o because this thing has been affecting me for more than 7 years now
      (2) My little bro has been into sports betting and I have been trying to talk him out of this but all proved abortive. Even in my prayers sef,he was the priority. November 12,I can’t forget,he chatted me up and said he can’t take it any more,that this betting of a thing has collected a lot from him and that’s how he stopped Betting o
      (3) Another challenge I conquered was my ability to say No to things. Because of this,I was really jilted and taken advantage of. I talked to one of my female friends about it and she said I must stop the act and she will even be willing to assist me stop it. When I resumed this semester that just ended,some of my course mates came to me personally that I should be taking them accounting in my house without pay o,I was really surprised how I said No that I won’t be available for it. After that I was cautious of everything. I say No without fear of what the person may say or think

      *What supernatural event happened in your life this year*
      (1) My lodge in Ifite was robbed and a lot of people things were token including mine. But the thing that happened was they took my phone but alas the next morning,I found my phone at the gate . Maybe they had misplaced it there that night as a result of them running fast. That event,I was just wowed
      (2)After returning from my Church annual convention vigil, my friend saw a building fell down where he was and the way he ran. Fortunately and God’s helping,he was unhurt

      *Did you find love this year,can you share*
      No,but love from friends I did. The mention of my name they did in places I less expected was all shows of love

      *What challenged you most this year*

      Lol, Something that challenged me was very spectacular,my friend introduced me to a person that I will teach accounting course. Okay I was game to it. Little did I know that this was a test for me,she was trying to test me so bad to see the level I’m in the course. Omo I didn’t fail the test because the girl confirmed who she met. Every question she asked me,I answered perfectly. I was really proud of myself after that day o 😁
      (2) Another thing challenged me I joined a group which comprises of readers. We were trying to read 3 books weekly. Omo I aced all the books the first month,I exited the group the next day because I was having really tight schedule and coupled with that one was really tasking

      *How has a stranger touched your life this year*

      (1) The matric of my neighbor in my lodge,his father gave me #5000 because of the testimony his son gave to him about me,I was just surprised that day.
      (2) I attended a crypto event that was organized in my school and I met someone who I told him I was a newbie and he gave me his contact and said any assistance,help and worries I will be having in the crypto space,that I should bring it to him. I couldn’t even close my mouth sef

      *Did you get a new job this year?*
      (1)I got a lot from the referrals of my friends to tutor people accounting and maths
      (2)I got on the online space from writing
      (3)And I also got from this platform as the contests were considered as Job for me and I took each of them serious
      *New career resolution*:
      — Get more courses on Writing and accumulate all of them to become mastery in them
      — Get many writing gigs
      —- Have a community of what I do as well and we will assist ourselves wherever and whatever the need is


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