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    Warning: Undefined array key "bpaf-default-filter" in /home/gistwhee/ on line 128
    • Happy Mothering Sunday to Mothers in the UK and Ireland, and other parts of the world celebrating today. I wish you long life and good health to enjoy the fruits of your labors.For the young ladies and mothers in waiting, I wish you a great life and that you find the true love of your life. I pray you have the wisdom not to miss true love in this…Read More

    • Profile picture of Ikenna dike

      Ikenna dike answered a question

      • 4 months ago

      As a business owner or entrepreneur, we are constantly bombarded with advice from friends, family, and even strangers on how to run our businesses. With so much information and opinions out there, it can […]

    • Profile picture of Ikenna dike

      Ikenna dike answered a question

      • 4 months ago

      Body odor is a common issue that many people struggle with. It is caused by the natural bacteria on our skin breaking down sweat, resulting in an unpleasant smell. While occasional body odor is normal, […]

    • Profile picture of Ikenna dike

      Ikenna dike answered a question

      • 4 months ago

      You have said it all @Diana chloe

    • Is it better to date someone who loves you more or someone you love more than they love you?

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