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Ikenna dikeOffline

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    Thanks @E.Dairo. for this question. Today the world depends mostly on entrepreneurs, seeds that blossom into giants in industries. These don't just come and exist. They begin from somewhere, and one of...

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    @brazilformula, this is really deep. We are in the age of huge depression. In a romantic relationship, encountering challenging situations is inevitable. One such scenario is when a partner gets angry...

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    Trauma is a complex psychological response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. While humans are known to experience trauma in various forms, ranging from...

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    As a business owner or entrepreneur, we are constantly bombarded with advice from friends, family, and even strangers on how to run our businesses. With so much information and opinions out there, it can...

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    Body odor is a common issue that many people struggle with. It is caused by the natural bacteria on our skin breaking down sweat, resulting in an unpleasant smell. While occasional body odor is normal,...

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    It's quite a dynamic stuff. I would advise she goes for counselling. Possibly she might have some connection with some people or something of that sort.

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    What matters most is love, once you both love each other, age and other differences should not matter. Age is just a number.

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