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    How to handle issues with hot temper?

    Dealing with a hot temper can be a challenging and overwhelming task. It can lead to conflicts in relationships, hinder personal growth, and affect overall mental and emotional well-being. However, with...

    March 7, 2024 5
    Posted an answer
    How do I tell my husband that I no longer love him?

    Being in a marriage is a commitment that requires love, understanding, and support from both partners. However, sometimes, despite our best efforts, the love between two people can fade away. It can be...

    March 7, 2024 5
    Posted an answer
    What’s the best way to monetize my blog?

    I will go through the list. I would say that despite the difficulties in getting approval, Google AdSense remains on top of the list.

    March 7, 2024 5
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    She duped me and blocked me, how do i deal with her?

    This is rampant on the internet. One has to be careful out there

    February 6, 2024 5
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    February 6, 2024 10
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    How do you handle food preference conflicts in a relationship?

    I think your story very well answers the question @Diana chloe

    February 6, 2024 5
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    Girlfriend is 3 years older, should i continue?

    I agree that age does not really matter.

    February 6, 2024 5
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    Eating habits

    A healthy eating habit provides our bodies with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to function optimally. It boosts our immune system, increases energy levels, and supports mental clarity....

    February 6, 2024 5
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    Diana chloe


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