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Sacred Songs and SolosOffline

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    Warning: Undefined array key "bpaf-default-filter" in /home/gistwhee/ on line 128
    • Profile picture of Nebuzz

      Nebuzz posted

      #my2023*What have people done that impacted my life this year*:
      (1)As good as I’m in Accounting course, Two of my friends gave me a little Job to tutor some carryover students and the pay was great. It really melted my heart
      (2) When I was very sick and my heart was beating so fast early this year,I was at my village that time,I was at the point…Read More

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    About Me

    Sacred Songs And Solos

    All about soul music, for the restoration of the human mind to the soul.

    Our interests are on ancient hymns and precious old music that are almost no where to be found anymore. Visit for more details



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    Gad Harr
