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    What organ of the body dies last after death..I'm just curious about it .I'm sure the brain dies first then the heart.

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    0 Votes 304 views Posted new comment HealthOrgan
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    How can I manage stress and maintain resilience in challenging times? Cause whenever people experience stress,they often tend to give up..

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    1 Vote 441 views Answered question Psychologypsychology
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    How can one have an healthy eating habits. It more of an issue for me cause apart from rice,beans, spaghetti and some categories of swallow foods,I don't even know other...

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    0 Votes 610 views Answered question HealthHabits
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    Yeah so I saw on the WhatsApp group people talking about applying for job and updating their CV. So I had the thought of building my own CV but the...

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    0 Votes 360 views Answered question career adviceOzconsultz
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    Immersed in the intoxicating aroma of ink, I find solace in crafting epic narratives and profound lines.

    As a crypto enthusiast, I embark on the exhilarating hunt for airdrops and navigate the intricate world of crypto trade, fueling my financial journey. Beyond the digital realm, my heart beats for the passion of football, proudly cheering for Manchester United, where the love for the beautiful game intertwines with my diverse pursuits.

    Also an iconic lover of adventures,epic and classy movies


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