How To Build An Audience First Before Launching Your Business 🔔

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  • #71666


    You can’t run a successful business if there’s nobody to buy your products or patronize your services.

    Even if you operate your business on the internet that has over 5 billion users, you will still struggle to attract steady buyers if you fail to build an audience first.

    In case you don’t understand what an audience means in the world of business, I will help you.

    An audience is a specific group of consumers most likely to buy products or patronize your services.

    How fast a consumer makes the purchase decision is a reflection of the kind of audience he or she has, and the stage the person is in the sales funnel.

    An audience that know little or nothing about how effective your solution is will take a longer time to arrive at the purchase decision than one that knows your product as the best solution to the problem at hand.

    If you wouldn’t want to go through the trauma of creating a product and start going back to check what the market thinks about it, then you must follow these guidelines to build your audience first:

    1️⃣ Create a Launch Team

    A launch team is a select-group of people that will help you get the word out about your product or service when it eventually launches.

    Let’s assume you intend launching a clothing brand by January 2024, you should be able to use at least 4 months to sensitize the general public about it.

    And on the launch date, you shouldn’t be the only one talking about the brand.

    No, you shouldn’t rely on your friends alone to create the buzz around the new product that you launched. You would need extra hands.

    You can either hire them or ask for volunteers. If you are lucky to have a couple of influencers join your launch team, the whole Nigeria internet space will know that a new product is in their city. It will be so popular that even your competitors will be terrif!ed.

    To make the launch team more effective and their impact more lasting even after the product launch, do this:

    — Create a unique and brandable hashtag that everyone must use in their posts or tweets.

    — Give them free and quality branded T-shirt with which they can create videos and pictures for publicity sake.

    — Reward them in return with something super valuable.

    2️⃣ Build a Waiting List

    I’m sure many of you here have joined one waiting list at one point or the other.

    Do you know why you were asked to join a waiting list? It’s simply because the brand doesn’t want to create a product without a waiting audience to devour it.

    Even if the product is free and it’s the best thing after sliced bread, build a waiting list for it.

    A few days back, I announced that I will be hosting a free blogging training for everyone here. Over 500 people have join the waiting list, making the list 1,200+ subscribers strong.

    Beyond using your waiting list to announce the arrival of the main product, you can always recommend helpful products to your list as an affiliate as things get better.

    While these people are in your waiting list, you don’t just ignore them. You need to establish a rapport with them and gradually find out how best to sell to them.

    3️⃣ Blog About It To Generate Attention

    Attention, they say is the new currency. Whoever has the most attention, controls what the narrative will be.

    By blogging about the business you want to launch, you will be able to achieve the following:

    — Rank your business website for multiple keywords in your niche

    — You will receive brand mentions from notable online blogs

    — Your blog can become another stream of income for you.

    If you can afford to get a domain name, web hosting plan and WordPress, please, do it and start blogging your business.

    Educate people about the problems your product solves, how it does it, why it’s important.

    Launching a business without an existing audience is like placing the cart before the the horse. Don’t ever do it.

    I hope this helps you?

    CC: Emenike E.

  • Author
  • #71667

    Rank: Gallant Sojourner

    Your audience being identified is one great way to success in business

  • #71668

    Rank: Newbie

    While identifying your audience,you should have a problem to solve

  • #71669

    Rank: Newbie

    Thanks for sharing

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