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    Warning: Undefined array key "bpaf-default-filter" in /home/gistwhee/ on line 128
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      Thanks @E.Dairo. for this question. Today the world depends mostly on entrepreneurs, seeds that blossom into giants in industries. These don’t just come and exist. They begin from somewhere, and one of the first […]

    • Thanks @E.Dairo. for this question. Today the world depends mostly on entrepreneurs, seeds that blossom into giants in industries. These don’t just come and exist. They begin from somewhere, and one of the first […]

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    • @brazilformula, this is really deep. We are in the age of huge depression. In a romantic relationship, encountering challenging situations is inevitable. One such scenario is when a partner gets angry and resorts […]

    • Trauma is a complex psychological response to a distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. While humans are known to experience trauma in various forms, ranging from loss and […]

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      brazilformula posted in the group Mysteries

      what could cause such behavior?

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      I used to have a friend that hurt himself and destroys things whenever he got upset. If you find yourself dating someone very handsome or beautiful and you discover have such issues, what will you do?

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