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    Warning: Undefined array key "bpaf-default-filter" in /home/gistwhee/ on line 128
    • Profile picture of Itunuu

      Itunuu started the topic PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT MYTHS DEBUNKED in the forum Group logo of Jobs and CareerJobs and Career in the group Jobs and Career

      • 1 year ago

      The advice of the people you listen to matters a lot.

      What you feed on eyes affects what we think in our mind and our mind can affect our level of productivity which is the output that people see in us.

      I will be talking about some misconceptions about personal development that have been circulating all around which are hindering people to help…Read More

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    • Profile picture of Itunuu

      Itunuu started the topic GOALS VERSUS SYSTEMS in the forum Group logo of Jobs and CareerJobs and Career in the group Jobs and Career

      • 1 year ago

      A lot of us are working on being the best at what we are doing, or probably just even being the best version of ourselves. You put in the required efforts but you are not getting the results that you want.

      According to Scott Adams in his book How to Fail at Almost Everything and still win Big, it was said that “if you do something every day, it’s…Read More

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    • Profile picture of odion

      odion replied to the topic Why is our generation so confused? in the forum Group logo of Jobs and CareerJobs and Career in the group Jobs and Career

      • 1 year ago

      This is deep.. I have had this thought going on in my head for long. We now eat chicken food and now reason and adopt the character of chicken.

      The thought overwhelms me that something is very wrong somewhere in the affairs of men.

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    • Profile picture of Itunuu

      Itunuu started the topic MONEY MANAGEMENT in the forum Group logo of Jobs and CareerJobs and Career in the group Jobs and Career

      • 1 year ago

      Money management is the capacity to plan a budget, make investments, accumulate savings, make purchases, and manage overall financial concerns.

      Effective money management improves your understanding of how you are spending your money. Every person needs to be able to handle their money, and this is a highly important ability.

      Your ability to…Read More

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    • Profile picture of Itunuu

      Itunuu posted in the group Jobs and Career

      • 1 year ago


      The things we expose our eyes to can impact our thoughts, which in turn can affect our productivity and how others perceive us.

      In this discussion, I will address some commonly held misconceptions about personal development that may be hindering people from improving themselves.

      PERSONAL…Read More

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