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      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      Totally agree

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      It is necessary, depending on the type of bond between you two, but definitely not a requirement.

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      Don’t say anything if you have nothing to say, just smile and look deep into their eyes. The warmth and love and tenderness in your eyes might be all they ever need to see.
      If you force yourself to say something you might end up in an awkward moment..

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      I agree with you @ikenna

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      I think this is a great idea. I might have a gift for the winner as well 😊

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      Of course there’s no reason why not. People can fall in love with the same person more than once. Sometimes you see people going back to their Ex. People grow and change, sometimes for the better. The newness of the whole thing could easily bring up unwanted rough edges in relationships. people get to “grow” up over time and overcome some of these. It is not always the case, sometimes the reasons for wanting to come back may not be genuine. Just follow your heart, wherever it leads you.

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      That’s quite an experience. I’m not a guy but i understand what you’re going through. I know you’re trying to avoid direct confrontation with your boss, but it’s something you must do if you really want this girl. There must be a way to let him know in a friendly way, that the girl he’s choking on is already someone else’s.
      Another thing you must do before you meet your boss is to confront your girlfriend. To avoid fighting a lost battle. You have to know where she belongs. some girls may consider it safe to keep “harmless” friendships. If this is the case then let her find a way to introduce you to your boss as her boyfriend.
      If however she’s going with the boss you’ll be saving yourself a lot of lost battles.
      Good luck.

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      The allusion is to the ancient notion that crocodiles weep while devouring their prey. It has been known for centuries that crocodiles weep while eating. They have tear glands just like most other animals. And zoologists have recorded alligators, close relatives of crocodiles, shedding tears while they’re eating. This parallel may be significant—rather than being an emotional response, the shedding of tears probably happens because of the way crocodiles and alligators eat: when eating their prey they will often huff and hiss as they blow out air, and their tear glands may empty at the same time the production of so many tears is the result of the hisses and huffs the animals make while devouring their prey. This feeding behavior forces air through the sinuses and stimulates the lacrimal gland to produce excessive tears. Some of the air escaping also produces the frothing and bubbling

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      Friends have no right to decide your future for you. If you love each other, what then do friends matter? Everyone is not the same, what is not good for them might yield a great destiny for you tomorrow.
      I’d say follow your heart..

      Diana chloe
      Rank: Gallant Sojourner

      I feel you have just been used and dumped. If you can, let it go, and learn your lesson. you can’t deal with someone you cannot see!

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