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    • #71706
      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      Thank you, that worked!

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      I think most ladies don’t want to respond with I LOVE YOU TOO especially when their heart is not truly with you. That’s where they just laugh or say THANK YOU. There are still some that will say I LOVE YOU very easily to any guy just to get what they want

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      I think they are. There are different beings on this planet earth. Spirits of all sorts roam the earth in different forms , even in human forms. People should have their eyes open.

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      It depends on the circumstances .

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      She wants you guys to do something that she can only comfortably do, in the dark 😂

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      Wow worked.

      thanks bro!

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      Just let the girl be. There are thousands of girls out there.

      Ikenna dike
      Rank: Sojourner

      There are actually cases where one or two things cause parents to hate their child. It could range from disagreement over career, relationships; to very minor things. Some parents are that rigid that they would want to shape every step of their kid’s life, and when the kid tries to resist, it becomes war.
      For the issue at hand, i think the girl should get some people that her parents respect to talk to them. Peradventure, they may have a change of heart..

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