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    Warning: Undefined array key "yzfes_anonymous_post_visibility" in /home/gistwhee/ on line 116

    Unraveling the Mystery of a Dream Inside Another Dream (Nested Dreams)

    Have you ever experienced the mystery of a dream inside another dream? It’s a fascinating and perplexing phenomenon that has intrigued humans for centuries. In this article, we will dive into this enigmatic topic and explore the various theories and

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    How to Avoid and Handle Sleep Paralysis: Overcoming the Nightmare

    Sleep paralysis can be an incredibly distressing experience, leaving individuals feeling trapped and helpless. This phenomenon occurs when the body is temporarily unable to move or speak while transitioning between sleep and wakefulness. While sleep paralysis itself is harmless, the

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    Do Witches Really Exist? Unraveling the Mysteries of the Occult

    In a world filled with vast complexities and hidden wonders, it is natural for our curiosity to extend beyond what meets the eye. Among the many topics that ignite intrigue and curiosity, the existence of witches stands out as an

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    The dream of the Mystical dove

    This is one of my deepest dreams. It has been many years now, but each time I think of it, I feel cold sweats trickle down my spine. The dream was unlike any other; a vision so vivid, it pierced

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    Snails Dream Meaning

    So the other day one of my clients reached out about a dream they had about gathering snails and packing them up. I got one earlier about 2 months back. So I decided to share insights here for the benefit

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    The Mystery of a Kiss

    One way or another, you have kissed or been kissed. Today I would like to share some of my thoughts and discoveries about kissing. Is there more to kissing than just the exchange or extension of affection? Are there spiritual

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    Dream in another dream: a touching experience

    Can you dream inside another dream? Is it possible to dream inside of another dream? Of course it is! Dreaming is a way we communicate with the depths of existence, and you must know that there are different levels and

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    8 signs of a psychic vampire

    Have you got that friend or acquaintance that whenever you’re around or in touch with them you feel a huge drain on your energy? Do you have someone that always leaves you low and at your worst each time you

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    Energies Series 1: Life and Energies

    Life and energies Right from kindergarten we have been taught that all life depend directly or indirectly on the energy we receive from the sun. This energy you will agree is also responsible for the survival of man who found

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    Do Succubi really exist?

    Succubus, was first used in the late 14th century to refer to  a sexual demon in the form of  a female that appears to males in dreams, trances and other conditions, and induces sexual acts with them while drawing energy from

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    About Me


    I explore and write on the things of the mind, and the supernatural. I meditate and read a lot when I'm not writing.
    Feel free to inbox me with questions about my writings or of your own discoveries.



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